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Auf welcher Ebene des Werkstattmanagements sind Sie zu Hause?

The first level
Focus on the big system, look from the customer’s perspective, and look at it
First, look at the process
The purpose of looking at the process is to see if a company has a lean layout and whether it is creating an uninterrupted operational flow to visualize the problem. The process is very important. A process layout that is interrupted at any time, waste can be seen everywhere. A lean layout process can eliminate a lot of waste at the source of the design. The implementation of lean management and the lean layout in advance are crucial. CNC milling services

Second, look at the visualization
Visualization is to simplify the problem and manage it with eyes. Visualization is also a reflection of the corporate management atmosphere and the intuitive management level. Visualization is a visualized management board. I divide it into static and dynamic management boards. The static kanban mainly conveys the long-term management philosophy of the organization. The dynamic kanban is the managerial information that managers need to grasp at any time. I think the dynamic management kanban can better reflect the management level and ability of an organization.

Third, look at the standardization
There must be many standards for a company. The reason why it is called standardization is to spread the standards to an executable level. There are four key issues in establishing standards:
1. Does everyone know normal and abnormal?
2. Does everyone know the standard method that they should take?
3. Does everyone know the main problems of their work?
4. Does everyone know what they are doing?

Fourth, look at culture
The appearance of a cultural element that enters a company’s ear to witness. If the company can’t hear “improvement” within 5 minutes and can’t hear the term “live” within 10 minutes, it is not a lean company. If a company has such a lean culture, first of all, this corporate culture requires senior management to stick to the production line and listen directly to the employees. Second, in this culture, Lean tools are used every day. The problem has emerged. Everyone will ask “why” until the root cause of the problem is identified, and corresponding countermeasures are taken, and the correctness of the countermeasures is constantly checked. Thirdly, this is a “problem priority” culture. Managers will work with employees to solve problems and will be grateful to those who find new problems. CNC milling services
Lean corporate culture is the internal driving force for business development. There are lean processes, visualized problem management methods, standardized management benchmarks, and innovative corporate culture. This company should be able to see and be worth visiting.

The second level
Focus on the management process and use the eyes of managers

The method is: one look, two asks, two thinks, four do.
A look: stand 5M away from the scene with the customer’s eyes to observe 20-30 minutes, the object is man, machine, material, law, ring, and then enter the scene to close to see, listen, think.
Does anyone have an improvement plan? Is the device a little benchmark? Can materials be delivered? Is the processing method easy to follow? Is the environment easy to work with?

The second question is divided into asking the operator and asking yourself. CNC milling services
The operator asked: why do this? What is the basis for this? —-Improve compliance awareness; what is the purpose of doing so? —-Improve the consciousness of returning to the origin of thinking; what kind of criteria should be achieved? —-Improve quality awareness; is there an exception? What happens if something goes wrong? —-Strengthen abnormal awareness of “call, stop, wait” consciousness; ask yourself: Why do you want to do this? Is there a better way? —- Strengthen awareness of improvement.

Think twice: think about the origin, think about the root cause, think about the plan.
Thinking about the origin: Thinking about the phenomenon you see and returning to the origin (creating value). The starting point is: If you are guided by customer needs and use minimal resources to create valuable products, if you deviate from this point of origin, there are problems.
Think about the root causes: for the problem points, think about the root cause of the problem, and (should not be blinded by superficial phenomena) use the “five steps?” to find the root cause of the problem;
Think about the plan: Focus on the problem, think about the improvement plan, and whether the four principles can be eliminated/simplified/merged/rearranged. CNC milling services

Four to do: investigation and analysis, improvement plan, follow-up inspection, consolidation
1. Investigation and analysis:
Survey and analysis of the status quo, speak with data, use statistical analysis of data, and find out the key factors;
2. Improve the program:
Develop improvement plans and organize implementation;
3. Follow-up inspection:
Follow-up inspections of the implementation process, and deviations are corrected in time;
4. Consolidate:
Standardize the improvement effect, formulate recurrence prevention measures, and implement relevant management documents.

The third level
Focus on managing details
This kind of observation method is mainly applied to the direct line managers at the scene, and the details of on-site inspections are people, machines, materials, methods, and information. CNC milling services

People-Q (quality)
Is the status of personnel clear? Is there a training plan and implementation? Are there new/top posts? Is there a mark? Is there any measure? Is it in accordance with the “standard operation” regulations? Whether or not to implement frequency inspection according to the “Certificate Confirmation Book”? Are there operations that are difficult to guarantee quality (difficult to operate processes)? Are there any operational qualification requirements for the closing process?

Person-C (cost)
Is the production line staff configured according to the standard operation? Is there extra staff? Is there any stoppage of job operation? Is there a wait (one-hand/two-hand) phenomenon? Is there a laborious operation? Too much movement, multiple walking, large turning angles, changing state during movement, stretching back movements, bending movements? Is there a left or right hand exchange? Is there a repeat/unnecessary action?

Human-D (efficiency)
Is there a search for phenomena? Is there any unskilled operation? Is there a phenomenon of leaving the production line? Is the job repeated in the same order? Pay attention to the operator’s movements/foot movements/waist movements/head movements. Can you omit/merge/rearrange/simplify?

Human-S/E (Security/Environment)
Are there any unsafe factors in the operation method and surrounding environment? Is there sufficient light during work? Is there any abnormal noise or harshness? Is the work environment clean? Is there oil on the floor? Is it easy to slip?

Equipment-Q (quality)
Is there an equipment accuracy inspection system and is observed? Is there a start condition check/tooling check system and is observed? Does the equipment adjustment have a management system and is complied with? Is the condition set by the operator free to change? Is it locked? Is the responsible person responsible for the change clear? —Requires visualization. CNC milling services

Device-C (cost)
Is there a daily trend of equipment failure rate/downtime visual management? Is the equipment cutting parameter set? Is it optimized? And be observed? Is there a beat display on the production line? Is there a continuous improvement of the equipment for the long beats? Is there an abnormal tool consumption management system? And strictly enforce? Is there equipment change time management? Is it continuously improving and reducing the time for replacement?

Equipment-D (efficiency)
Is the fact that the equipment is routinely maintained (checked) sufficiently visible? Is there any dust or foreign matter on the top of the equipment, the processing area, or the ceiling? Does the tool used have a defined placement? And be observed? Is there a loud or strange sound from the moving part of the device? Is cutting oil and coolant just hitting the cutting area? Is there a quantitative/timed tool change management system? Is it observed?

Equipment – S/E (Security/Environment)
Where does the device go and the device is automatically stopped? Is there equipment leakage and management? Is there a chip splash phenomenon? Does the device have unusual sound/smell/temperature? Is the device cover normally used? Is there excess material placed on the device? CNC milling services

Material – Q (Quality)
Is there a dedicated waste container (red)? Is it possible to achieve first-in, first-out? Are finished or semi-finished products clean and rusty? Is the place to be classified and observed? Is there a container for the finished product or semi-finished product? Is the label clear and is it placed according to regulations? Whether the product in process complies with the standard hand-held, and is there any provision for the placement and quantity of parts? Is the identification of similar parts error-proof and clear? Batch management compliance?

Material-C (cost)
Is there a layered management system for non-performing goods that is complied with? Are there any daily changes in the management of defective products? Is there an excipient consumption management system that is complied with? Pay attention to observe more chip cutting process, can you change to less or no chip processing method? CNC milling services

Material-D (efficiency)
Is the part placement position/mode easily accessible? Is the parts box/box easy to handle? Is the number of parts clear? Is there a waste of parts back and forth?

Material – S/E (Safety/Environment)
Are items placed in the channel phenomenon? Is there a drop of oil in the parts container?
Lean management consulting was published. CNC milling services

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