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Eight rules to motivate employees

First, the mission law

1. Self-motivation
A. Method:
Motivational methods can be varied. Such as: the company CEOs or other successful career to explain the entrepreneurial experience, so that employees recognize the possibility and difficulty of the business; invited successful experts in the field of study to the company; order books on the success of the study to employees to read let employees speak The ideals of his own heart and the plan to achieve his ideals. CNC rapid prototyping
B. Principle:
Everyone has their own dreams, they are eager to succeed, and they all want to live a good life. When employees’ minds have been rekindled when they have been dusted for a long time, they will show great explosiveness. And they understand that if you want to succeed, you must begin by doing the right job.
2. Personal Business Commitment Plan
A. Method:
Allow each employee to formulate his annual business plan at the beginning of the year and establish a “military order” for the company. Its direct supervisor is responsible for examining performance completion, execution, team strength, and team spirit, and provides necessary guidance, assistance, and encouragement. But don’t set too many goals for employees, but encourage them to fully realize their potential and creativity. CNC rapid prototyping
B. Principle:
According to the expected probability theory, the size of the motivation or incentive for a person to engage in an activity depends on the attractiveness of the outcome of the activity and the probability of achievement of the outcome. The complete goal-oriented step by step completes them with a sense of accomplishment. The support of the team gives them a sense of motivation and relief.
3. Set up a temporary team
A. Method:
Take an important business plan or project from an ad hoc team.
B. Principle:
The temporary team can produce high work efficiency, and its organizational form contributes to the motivation of the members. The temporary team has the following characteristics: few people (3-7 people in the best scale), volunteers, goal-oriented, and usually dismiss themselves after completing the task. Appropriate, challenging, and possibly attainable goals can inspire the creative passion of temporary team members. At the same time, the temporary team implements self-management, that is, the team members are changed from their original control to certain decision-making rights. When one is full of responsibility, he will devote himself wholeheartedly to it. CNC rapid prototyping

Second, the survival method
4. Survival competition
A. Method:
Make a dynamic assessment of your employees and let everyone know where they are.
B. Principle:
Let employees know that if they do not work hard or work without performance, they may be eliminated by the company. In a fiercely competitive modern society, the pressure to lose rice bowls will greatly arouse the enthusiasm of employees.
C. Example:
GE has divided all its employees into five categories. The first category is the top talents, accounting for 10%; the second is the second category, accounting for 15%; the third category is the middle-level employees, accounting for 50%, and their flexibility of change is greatest, they have the opportunity to choose where to go; This is the fourth category which accounts for 15%. It needs to sound an alarm to him and urge them to make progress; the fifth category is the worst, accounting for 10%, and they can only be resigned without mercy. This elimination mechanism gave employees a sense of urgency and gave them sufficient motivation. CNC rapid prototyping

Third, the competition law
5. Metabolism mechanism
A. Method:
To formulate company, department, and individual work goals, establish appropriate assessment mechanisms, and fail to meet the objectives of the responsible personnel, regardless of level, seniority, past contributions have to step down.
B. Principle:
Many companies’ business plans are highly developed at the time of development. However, they are constantly being discounted for various reasons during the implementation process. Finally, even if they are not completed, the business plan itself has lost its meaning. Leaders lose their authority and employees lose their sense of urgency and responsibility. .

6. Packet competition mechanism
A. Method:
Divide the company’s business division into several groups, publish the performance rankings every day (week), conclude the month-end, reward advanced, and motivate backward.
B. Principle:
The best mechanism is not to try to “make lazy people productive”, but to create a high-performance environment in the company, so that employees’ professionalism can be carried forward and lazy people have nowhere to hide. Based on the internal competition on the basis of sincere cooperation and responsibility commitment, the pressure from peers is more conducive to the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of employees than the orders from superiors. CNC rapid prototyping

7. Introduce external competition internally
A. Method:
Allow internal agencies to purchase products or services from the outside world, so that the internal related supply departments can no longer rely on exclusive business, comfortable and unrestrained.
B. Principle:
“Iron rice bowl” became “mud rice bowl.” Internal organizations will not eat without hard work, of course, will redouble their efforts to improve the quality of products or services, and strive to reduce costs to enhance competitiveness.
Fourth, the interest method
8. Encourage “illegal actions”
A. Method:
Allow and encourage employees to do some outside normal work and routine procedures.
B. Principle:
Many times, new ideas and new ideas for employees at work are unexpected. However, this part of the unplanned ideas has the same value as many plans. They need to be valued and supported by the company. Some new ideas that are not costly, technicians can test through their own simple tests. Similar situations often occur at the grassroots level of the enterprise. Grassroots employees often know the products, customers, and markets most often. They have a unique understanding of these aspects and know how to increase the efficiency of production and market expansion due to the actual operation of many years.

C. Example:

The great success of General Electric, such as the success of industrial plastics and aircraft engines, is the direct result of “illegal activities.” IBM even deliberately designed a “loophole” in the management system to allow some people to do something outside the budget and implement plans that are not planned. In 25 years, none of IBM’s important products was produced by the company’s formal system. CNC rapid prototyping
9. The space for employees to fully play
A. Method:
For company researchers, they can be allowed to spend 15% of the company’s time and engage in research and invention-creation activities in their chosen field.
B. Principle:
Interest is the best teacher and the best work propellant. Employees are only really interested in the work they are doing, they can be happy, and they will do their best to get the job done.

V. Space Law
10. Training opportunities
A. Method:
Provide employees with all-round, multi-level training opportunities, increase the value of corporate human resources and the value of employees themselves.
B. Principle:
In the information age where information is updated faster and faster, “lifelong learning” and “establishing learning organization” have become the basic requirements for individuals and enterprises to be invincible in fierce competition. Enterprises should tap the potential of employees through training and development to realize the maintenance and appreciation of employees’ human resources. This is not only the need to mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, but also an important part of maintaining and improving the market competitiveness of enterprises. CNC rapid prototyping
11. Job rotation
A. Method:
Staff periodically (for example, one year) rotate jobs and try different jobs.
B. Principle:
In the era of traditional management, it was emphasized that the division of labor was clear. As a result, employees repeated monotonous work every day. Although the productivity was improved to a certain extent, the satisfaction of members decreased. After the idea of humanism came into being, we had a new understanding of people’s motivation, began to pay attention to the improvement of people’s ability, the development of human potential, and based on this, a sound job rotation system, so that employees can more fully and actively choose challenging The work thus enables horizontal enrichment and vertical enlargement of work content. In this way, the fun and challenge of work becomes the reward for the work itself.
12. Give employees smooth career development channels
A. Method:
In the selection of cadres, enterprises should give more opportunities to their employees. From the previous employment of foreign companies, they should be converted into external recruitment and internal selection. Finally, they should transition to internal training and selection, and change “Bole Xiangxiang Ma” to “select in horse races.” horse”.
B. Principle:
Career development is an important part of the employee’s internal compensation system. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, self-realization is the highest level of human needs. Career development is a category that meets people’s self-fulfillment needs, and therefore will have a greater incentive effect.

13. Reduce the approval process
A. Method:

Reduce the approval process and time for a product R&D or market expansion plan. Do not set too high a review standard and leave more space for relevant personnel.

B. Principle:

Complexity causes indifference and inertia. If an ambitious expansion plan for a business person faces the company’s checks, he will naturally reduce his enthusiasm for work. In fact, many epoch-making products or marketing programs are just out of a seemingly ridiculous idea. CNC rapid prototyping
14. Staff participation in decision-making
A. Method:
Establish a mechanism for employees to participate in management and put forward rationalized suggestions to improve employee ownership awareness. For example, employees should participate in the analysis and discussion of the company’s development goals and direction, so that employees can participate in project identification and participate in the formulation of various rules and regulations that ensure the normal operation of the company.
B. Principle:
No one likes what others impose on themselves. However, if employees are involved in the formulation of the company’s business objectives, management systems, etc., they will feel that it is their own goals and behavioral rules, and they will put their expectations into work.

Six, honors law
15. Honor incentive
A. Method:
For those employees who have outstanding performance or contribution, for those employees who have been dedication to the company for a long period of time, they have not been badly awarded with some titles and honors in exchange for the recognition of the employees and thus motivating the employees.
B. Principle:
Everyone is full of craving for a sense of belonging and achievement. They all hope that their work will be meaningful, and honor will always be a catalyst for people’s passion. The narrative of Napoleon’s “Fight for France” made his army more invincible.
C. Example:
IBM has a “100% club”. When the company’s employees complete his annual tasks, he is approved as a member of the club. He and his family are invited to participate in the grand assembly. As a result, the company’s employees will all be given 100% club membership as the first goal to gain that glory. CNC rapid prototyping

Seventh, the crisis law
16. Crisis education
A. Method:
Constantly instill in employees the concept of crisis, so that they understand the difficulties of the enterprise’s living environment and the possible negative impact on their work and life.
B. Principle:
The road to enterprise development is full of crisis. It is because of this that Gates will constantly warn his employees that Microsoft will always be out of bankruptcy for only 18 months! Ren Zhengfei will warn: Huawei’s winter is coming soon! However, this kind of crisis is not always felt by all employees, especially non-market frontline personnel. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly instill in employees the concept of crisis, establish crisis awareness, and rekindle employees’ entrepreneurial passion. CNC rapid prototyping

Eight, communication method
17. Two-way communication
A. Method:
The grassroots staff and senior management personnel conference, manager reception day, employee opinion survey, president’s letterbox, and the establishment of a complaint system allow any opinions and dissatisfaction to be expressed in a timely and effective manner; establish information conferences, release columns, internal corporate publications, etc. Allow employees to keep abreast of corporate trends and developments and increase their enthusiasm for participation.
B. Principle:
Make employees feel that they are valued, there is value, there will naturally be enthusiasm to work for the company.
18. Changing punishment as incentive
A. Method:
Employees make mistakes, and through managerial communication and exchanges with their friends, employees feel that they are respected and loved, thus actively admitting mistakes, taking the initiative to accept punishment, and actively improving the quality of work.
B. Principle:
The common practice of the company’s mistakes is to severely criticize and punish! However, punishment does not really solve the problem. Instead, it will cause staff grudges and even loss. Only communication can achieve a multiplier effect. CNC rapid prototyping
19. Affectionate care
A. Method:
Corporate managers and supervisors should be an attentive person. For employees’ performance, even if it is a small contribution, give feedback in time. A small note, a telephone message, an E-mail, and a red envelope with two movie tickets can all make employees feel that they are concerned by their leaders, their work is recognized, and they are excited about it.
In addition, the establishment of a birthday list of employees, the general manager’s birthday cards for employees, and the employees with concern and sympathy for difficulties can enhance employees’ sense of belonging.
B. Principle:
Everyone hopes that the results of their efforts can be recognized, endorsed, and appreciated. This is the driving force for people’s advancement.
20. Become passive management for active management
A. Method:
Managers give positive opinions to employees rather than blame.
B. Principle:
Employees often only experience “management (passive management) due to mistakes”. That is, most of the supervisors only give opinions when they think that they have made mistakes and need to be corrected. If employees feel that their decisions are generally supported and they receive proper guidance when they actually make mistakes, they will be more aggressive and confident and willing to take responsibility and make decisions. If employees clearly know what their superiors expect from them, know they are valued and trusted, and receive encouragement and encouragement, they will do their best and work hard. CNC rapid prototyping
First, the mission law
1. Self-motivation
A. Method:
Motivational methods can be varied. Such as: the company CEOs or other successful career to explain the entrepreneurial experience, so that employees recognize the possibility and difficulty of the business; invited successful experts in the field of study to the company; order books on the success of the study to employees to read let employees speak The ideals of his own heart and the plan to achieve his ideals.
B. Principle:
Everyone has their own dreams, they are eager to succeed, and they all want to live a good life.When employees’ minds have been rekindled when they have been dusted for a long time, they will show great explosiveness. And they understand that if you want to succeed, you must begin by doing the right job.
2. Personal Business Commitment Plan
A. Method:
Allow each employee to formulate his annual business plan at the beginning of the year and establish a “military order” for the company. Its direct supervisor is responsible for examining performance completion, execution, team strength, and team spirit, and provides necessary guidance, assistance, and encouragement. But don’t set too many goals for employees, but encourage them to fully realize their potential and creativity.
B. Principle:
According to the expected probability theory, the size of the motivation or incentive for a person to engage in an activity depends on the attractiveness of the outcome of the activity and the probability of achievement of the outcome. The complete goal-oriented step by step completes them with a sense of accomplishment. The support of the team gives them a sense of motivation and relief.
3. Set up a temporary team
A. Method:
Take an important business plan or project from an ad hoc team.
B. Principle:
The temporary team can produce high work efficiency, and its organizational form contributes to the motivation of the members. The temporary team has the following characteristics: few people (3-7 people in the best scale), volunteers, goal-oriented, and usually dismiss themselves after completing the task. Appropriate, challenging, and possibly attainable goals can inspire the creative passion of temporary team members. At the same time, the temporary team implements self-management, that is, the team members are changed from their original control to certain decision-making rights. When one is full of responsibility, he will devote himself wholeheartedly to it. CNC rapid prototyping

Second, the survival method
4. Survival competition
A. Method:
Make a dynamic assessment of your employees and let everyone know where they are.
B. Principle:
Let employees know that if they do not work hard or work without performance, they may be eliminated by the company. In a fiercely competitive modern society, the pressure to lose rice bowls will greatly arouse the enthusiasm of employees.
C. Example:
GE has divided all its employees into five categories. The first category is the top talents, accounting for 10%; the second is the second category, accounting for 15%; the third category is the middle-level employees, accounting for 50%, and their flexibility of change is greatest, they have the opportunity to choose where to go; This is the fourth category which accounts for 15%. It needs to sound an alarm to him and urge them to make progress; the fifth category is the worst, accounting for 10%, and they can only be resigned without mercy. This elimination mechanism gave employees a sense of urgency and gave them sufficient motivation.

Third, the competition law
5. Metabolism mechanism
A. Method:
To formulate company, department, and individual work goals, establish corresponding assessment mechanisms, and fail to meet the objectives of the responsible personnel, regardless of level, seniority, past contributions have to step down.
B. Principle:
Many companies’ business plans are highly motivated at the time of development, but they are constantly being discounted for various reasons during the implementation process. Finally, even if they are not finished, the business plan itself has lost its significance. Leaders lose their authority and employees lose their sense of urgency and responsibility. .
6. Packet competition mechanism
A. Method:
Divide the company’s business division into several groups, publish the performance rankings every day (week), conclude the month-end, reward advanced, and motivate the latter.
B. Principle:
The best mechanism is not to try to “make lazy people productive”, but to create a high-performance environment in the company, so that employees’ professionalism can be carried forward, and lazy people have nowhere to hide. Based on the internal competition on the basis of sincere cooperation and responsibility commitment, the pressure from peers is more conducive to the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of employees than the orders from superiors. CNC rapid prototyping
7. Introduce external competition internally
A. Method:
Allow internal agencies to purchase products or services from the outside world, so that the internal related supply departments can no longer rely on exclusive business, comfortable and unrestrained.
B. Principle:
“Iron rice bowl” became “mud rice bowl.” Internal organizations will not eat without hard work, of course, will redouble their efforts to improve the quality of products or services, and strive to reduce costs to enhance competitiveness.

Fourth, the interest method
8. Encourage “illegal actions”
A. Method:
Allow and encourage employees to do some outside normal work and routine procedures.
B. Principle:
Many times, new ideas and new ideas for employees at work are unexpected. However, this part of the unplanned ideas has the same value as many plans. They need to be valued and supported by the company. Some new ideas that are not costly, technicians can test through their own simple tests. Similar situations often occur at the grassroots level of the enterprise. Grassroots employees often know the products, customers, and markets most often. They have a unique understanding of these aspects and know how to increase the efficiency of production and market expansion due to the actual operation of many years.
C. Example:
The great success of General Electric, such as the success of industrial plastics and aircraft engines, is the direct result of “illegal activities.” IBM even deliberately designed a “loophole” in the management system to allow some people to do something outside the budget and implement plans that are not planned. In 25 years, none of IBM’s important products was produced by the company’s formal system. CNC rapid prototyping
9. The space for employees to fully play
A. Method:
For company researchers, they can be allowed to spend 15% of the company’s time and engage in research and invention-creation activities in their chosen field.
B. Principle:
Interest is the best teacher and the best work propellant. Employees are only really interested in the work they are doing, they can be happy, and they will do their best to get the job done.

V. Space Law
10. Training opportunities
A. Method: Provide employees with all-round, multi-level training opportunities, increase the value of the company’s human resources and the value of the employees themselves.
B. Principles: In the information era where knowledge is updated faster and faster, “lifelong learning” and “establishing a learning organization” have become the basic requirements for individuals and companies to be invincible in fierce competition. Enterprises should tap the potential of employees through training and development to realize the maintenance and appreciation of employees’ human resources. This is not only the need to mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, but also an important part of maintaining and improving the market competitiveness of enterprises. CNC rapid prototyping
11. Job rotation
A. Method:
The staff rotates regularly (for example, one year) and tries different jobs.
B. Principle:
In the era of traditional management, it was emphasized that the division of labor was clear. As a result, employees repeated monotonous work every day. Although the productivity was improved to a certain extent, the satisfaction of the members decreased. After the idea of humanism came into being, we had a new understanding of people’s motivation, began to pay attention to the improvement of people’s ability, the development of human potential, and based on this, a sound job rotation system, so that employees can more fully and actively choose challenging The work thus enables horizontal enrichment and vertical enlargement of work content. In this way, the fun and challenge of work becomes the reward for the work itself.

12. Give employees smooth career development channels
A. Method:
In the selection of cadres, enterprises must give employees more opportunities, from the previous employment of foreigners, to external employment and internal selection, and finally to the internal training and selection, change “Bole Xiangma” to “selected in the race horse”.
B. Principle:
Career development is an important part of the employee’s internal compensation system. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, self-realization is the highest level of human needs. Career development is a category that meets people’s self-fulfillment needs, and therefore will have a greater incentive effect. CNC rapid prototyping
13. Reduce the approval process
A. Method:
Reduce the approval process and time for a product R&D or market expansion plan. Do not set excessive review criteria and leave more space for related personnel.
B. Principle:
Complexity causes indifference and inertia. If an ambitious expansion plan for a business person faces the company’s checks, he will naturally reduce his enthusiasm for work. In fact, many epoch-making products or marketing programs are just out of a seemingly ridiculous idea.
14. Staff participation in decision-making

A. Method:
Establish a mechanism for employees to participate in management and put forward rationalized suggestions to improve employee ownership awareness. For example, employees should participate in the analysis and discussion of the company’s development goals and direction, so that employees can participate in project identification and participate in the formulation of various rules and regulations that ensure the normal operation of the company.
B. Principle:
No one likes what others impose on themselves. However, if employees are involved in the formulation of the company’s business objectives, management systems, etc., they will feel that it is their own goals and behavioral rules, and they will put their expectations into work.
Six, honors law
15. Honor incentive
A. Method:
For those employees who have outstanding performance or contribution, for those employees who have been dedication to the company for a long period of time, they have not been badly awarded with some titles and honors in exchange for the recognition of the employees and thus motivating the employees.
B. Principle:
Everyone is full of craving for a sense of belonging and accomplishment. They all hope that their work will be meaningful and honor will always be a catalyst for people’s passion. The narrative of Napoleon’s “Fight for France” made his army more invincible.
C. Example:
IBM has a “100% club”. When the company’s employees complete his annual tasks, he is approved as a member of the club. He and his family are invited to participate in the grand assembly. As a result, the company’s employees will all be given 100% club membership as the first goal to gain that glory. CNC rapid prototyping

Seventh, the crisis law
16. Crisis education
A. Method:
Constantly instill in employees the concept of crisis, so that they understand the difficulties of the enterprise’s living environment and the possible negative impact on their work and life.
B. Principle:
The road to enterprise development is full of crisis. It is because of this that Gates will constantly warn his employees that Microsoft will always be out of bankruptcy for only 18 months! Ren Zhengfei will warn: Huawei’s winter is coming soon! However, this kind of crisis is not always felt by all employees, especially non-market frontline personnel. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly instill in employees the concept of crisis, establish crisis awareness, and rekindle employees’ entrepreneurial passion.
Eight, communication method
17. Two-way communication
A. Method:
The grassroots staff and senior management personnel conference, manager reception day, employee opinion survey, president’s letterbox, and the establishment of a complaint system allow any opinions and dissatisfaction to be expressed in a timely and effective manner; establish information conferences, release columns, internal corporate publications, etc. Allow employees to keep abreast of corporate trends and developments and increase their enthusiasm for participation.
B. Principle:
Make employees feel that they are valued, there is value, there will naturally be enthusiasm to work for the company. CNC rapid prototyping
18. Changing punishment as incentive
A. Method:
Employees make mistakes, and through managerial communication and exchanges with their friends, employees feel that they are respected and loved, thus actively admitting mistakes, taking the initiative to accept punishment, and actively improving the quality of work.
B. Principle:
The common practice of the company’s mistakes is to severely criticize and punish! However, punishment does not really solve the problem. Instead, it will cause staff grudges and even loss. Only communication can achieve a multiplier effect. CNC rapid prototyping
19. Affectionate care
A. Method:
Corporate managers and supervisors should be an attentive person. For employees’ performance, even if it is a small contribution, give feedback in time. A small note, a telephone message, an E-mail, and a red envelope with two movie tickets can all make employees feel that they are concerned by their leaders, their work is recognized, and they are excited about it.
In addition, the establishment of an employee’s birthday list, the general manager’s birthday card for employees, and the staff with concern and sympathy for difficulties can enhance their sense of belonging.
B. Principles: Everyone hopes that the results of his efforts can be recognized, endorsed and appreciated. This is the driving force for people’s advancement. CNC rapid prototyping
20. Become passive management for active management
A. Method: Managers give positive opinions to employees rather than blame.
B. Principle: Employees often only experience “management (passive management) due to mistakes”. That is to say, supervisors give opinions mostly when they think that they have made mistakes and need to be corrected. If employees feel that their decisions are generally supported and they receive proper guidance when they actually make mistakes, they will be more aggressive and confident and willing to take responsibility and make decisions. If employees clearly know what their superiors expect from them, know they are valued and trusted, and receive encouragement and encouragement, they will do their best and work hard. CNC rapid prototyping

For more information about this article and how we can help with your project, please contact us today.

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