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[career Story] Treat charity as a business and run it with an investment eye

Today’s philanthropy is not just about giving money. As America’s largest foundation, the retired Gates runs it with a shrewd business mind. custom metal parts fabrication

The Gates have said that they should donate 95% of their total wealth in their lifetime.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was formed by the merger of the Gates Education Foundation and the William Gates Foundation.

By the end of March 2006, the foundation had donated more than $10 billion since its predecessor in 1994, half of which went to global health and the top 1/4 to education. custom metal parts fabrication

But what they’re doing is not just paying. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is different from a mere donor. It’s the implementation of Carnegie’s modern concept of philanthropy, which looks at philanthropy in an “investment” way: the donor community must reach its intended goal.

The Gates and his wife have laid down several principles for investing in the assets of the Foundation: first, if the business is considered “evil,” then no investment will be allowed. For example, tobacco companies. The Bill Gates have made it clear that investment in tobacco companies is prohibited under all circumstances. Second, they do not invest in businesses that are in conflict of interest with either or both of the Bill Gates.

The foundation conducts regular reviews as a basis for the next donation. To make their contributions truly beneficial to the poor, the Gates and Mrs. Gates carefully manage every external contribution of the foundation. custom metal parts fabrication

The investment of foundation funds is also the focus of Bill and Melinda. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation works in a way that makes reasonable investments– high returns– some of the proceeds go to charity, and the residual income and the principal continue to be invested.

Large amounts of capital are invested in order for the foundation to survive and grow. The Gates Foundation regularly publishes its holdings of stocks, funds and all other investment products online on the tax returns. custom metal parts fabrication

At the SEC’s request, they file their investment positions with the SEC on a quarterly basis, and the public can find them on the SEC’s website.

Bill is a man of risk diversification and balanced investment, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s investments also follow Bill’s investment philosophy.

The foundation’s investment is known for its “diversity” and “conservatism.” part of the foundation’s money is also invested in China’s stock market through QFII through professional managers. Wechat ID: lean production Promotion Center.

Of the entire Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation project, more than $6.43 billion was invested in short-term investments, $21 billion in bonds, cash and other projects, and $5.24 billion in equities. custom metal parts fabrication

The Bill Gates couple personally served as co-chairs of the foundation, and spent more time monitoring the foundation’s foreign investment and donations, especially when Bill Gates became a second-tier player at Microsoft, in terms of specific asset management. It also gives guidance.

According to the Gates’ wishes, the foundation’s assets will be donated within 50 years of their death, so that more people can continue to donate. custom metal parts fabrication

Shrewd business strategies and long-term vision allowed the Gates to set off a philanthropic revolution as great as Microsoft itself. custom metal parts fabrication

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