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After reading this article, what do you know about the outcome of the people who cut wood and the sheep?

This world is not fair: Quickparts CNC for Automotive | On Demand Manufacturing‎
There is a class of people,
Born to be “cut firewood”
They need wading through mountains and rivers
Hard work and sweat to survive

There is another kind of person,
Born to be “sheeping sheep”
They lie in the sun every day, blowing the east wind
Drinking tea can also be a leisurely life.

There are sub screens like this:

Those who cut firewood really can’t afford people who put sheep. Quickparts CNC for Automotive | On Demand Manufacturing‎

Give up meaningless social

However, this world is also fair:
Have you ever thought of such a problem:

Where did the sheep come from?
Why do people who cut firewood only chop wood for life?

Our life is always limited by our own thinking.
Always repeat in your familiar cycle
Open your pattern, life can be reversed
For example, try again to imagine the following screen:
The First Realm of Cooperation: Broadening Vision. Quickparts CNC for Automotive | On Demand Manufacturing‎

The firewoodman chatted with the sheepmen for a day. On the surface he found nothing, but the woodcutters chatted through the shepherds and knew which hill had more wood, which way the mountain took, which hill was full of thorns, and harvested the next day. Go home.


– Same chat
Bored people can only pass the time
People who are interested can talk about value
Be a thoughtful person, shortcuts can appear at any time
The Second Realm of Cooperation: Learning from Each Other. Quickparts CNC for Automotive | On Demand Manufacturing‎

You are cutting wood, he is a sheep, you talked with him for a day, you learned to put sheep skills, the original sheep is so put, he learned to cut firewood skills, the original firewood to be cut. And you learned a kind of concentration from the sheep’s body and understood the principle of “static braking.” It is easier to cut wood from here.

–Father, like son
People must learn more from complementary people
With an empty cup mentality, calmly accept all kinds of differences
Be good at learning, you can continue to be strong
The Third Realm of Cooperation: Resource Sharing. Quickparts CNC for Automotive | On Demand Manufacturing‎

You are cutting wood. He is a sheep. You talked to him for a day. He introduced him to the customer who bought the sheep. You introduced him to the customer who bought the firewood, and your individual business became more and more. Big, and he can’t live without you.

– How big is the structure and how big is the business?
Being good at sharing your own resources, more and more people need you
You don’t want anything. In the end, everything is yours.
The Fourth Realm of Cooperation: Value Exchange. Quickparts CNC for Automotive | On Demand Manufacturing‎

You are cutting wood. He is a sheep. You talked with him for a day. He decided to exchange his sheep with your firewood. Then you had sheep. He also had firewood. When you have sheep, it is no longer just a firewood. You can sell lamb skewers and change from manual workers to skilled workers.


– The same thing, different values ​​in different people
People have never been fulfilled and only have to complete each other
Good at contributing to your strengths, good at drawing on the strengths of others
Is the real talent
Remember: Collaborate changes everything
The Fifth Realm of Cooperation: Completing Each Other. Quickparts CNC for Automotive | On Demand Manufacturing‎

You are cutting firewood. He is a goat. You talked to him for a day. You decided to work together to open a shop for roast whole lamb. From then on, you only chop firewood that is more suitable for charcoal. He only uses sheep for the best. The most suitable barbecue lamb, your work is further refined, efficiency and output value are greater.


– If you can appreciate each other’s strengths
Can make up for each other’s deficiencies
There are also common values ​​and goals
You can be together
The sixth realm of cooperation: the system is king. Quickparts CNC for Automotive | On Demand Manufacturing‎

You are cutting wood. He is a sheep. You talked with him for a day. You decided to work together to open a whole-broiler store. After a few years you opened a lot of chain stores and started systematic management. Finally, you don’t need to cut down. Chai, he also does not need to put sheep, you are still laughing in the mountains, but the mood is completely different!


– Renewable individuals, but also a team
Relynable team can not do a system
Simplify complicated things
Simplified modelling
Systematic things
From then on, you will jump out of all sorts of trivial things in the world.
This is true freedom and beauty. Quickparts CNC for Automotive | On Demand Manufacturing‎

Last emotion

Give everyone a paragraph:
The same thing, different people, always different results
The same person, doing different things, is also a different result


Sometimes things don’t work, not things don’t work, people do it wrong
Sometimes people are unsuccessful, people are not good, and they are not doing anything right.


Even the right person did the right thing
If the timing is wrong, it is still unsuccessful. Quickparts CNC for Automotive | On Demand Manufacturing‎

in conclusion:

There are three key elements to success:

People, things, time

People – is right to know yourself
Things – is doing the best job
Time – is to grasp the trend and the node

Please think about the present you, meet these three key?
Reprinted from Baidu Library, Copyright belongs to the original author, if there is any infringement please inform
After the words: a large number of fans have not yet cultivated the habit of praising after reading. I hope everyone will praise them after reading to show encouragement! Persistence is a belief, and concentration is an attitude! Quickparts CNC for Automotive | On Demand Manufacturing‎

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