Irish article

Mechanical Manufacturing Technologies, Safeyt and Its Measures at Work

[Lean School] Quality Management of Production Team Management (1)

Introduction to Quality Management . metal mill 1. Quality is the root of business survival Create profits - high-quality, low-cost production Satisfy the customer - to ensure delivery of the customer's product zero defects. metal mill 2. What is...

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Mechanical Manufacturing Technologies, Safeyt and Its Measures at Work

[HR] year-end appraisal (3): How to do a year-end performance appraisal interview?

The year-end performance appraisal is a sensitive time appraisal. It not only relates to the employee's year-end performance salary and year-end bonus, but also closely relates to the employee's work and job changes in...

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CNC Machining and CNC Machine Tools, Safeyt and Its Measures at Work

【HR】Performance assessment and management (5): The application of performance evaluation results is better.

When bringing forward the application of performance appraisal results, some HR think of nothing more than positive and negative incentives for employees, and mostly positive motivators, such as honoring performance wages and bonuses, salary...

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CNC machining center, Mechanical Manufacturing Technologies

Die Essenz des Qualitätsmanagements: Kupferkopf, Eisenmund, Scud, Bauch

Im Unternehmen ist die Rolle des Qualitätsmanagers sehr wichtig. Was die Produktqualität anbelangt, müssen wir das Gesetz strikt kontrollieren und strikt durchsetzen, insbesondere im Qualitätsmanagement müssen wir den Kern des Qualitätsmanagements konsequent umsetzen, und...

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CNC Machining and CNC Machine Tools, Mechanical Manufacturing Technologies, Safeyt and Its Measures at Work

The 24 critical points in judging a company’s success or failure!

First, the eight judgment passwords of the income statement:  Class E insulation 1. The better the company's cost of sales, the better. Only by minimizing the cost of sales can the sales profit be maximized. Although the...

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