Russian article

CNC machining center, Industrial enterprise management

A small chip is banned and people are boiling! If high-end machine tools are forbidden to sell, what should we do?

In mid-April, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced that it would prohibit U.S. companies from selling parts, goods, software and technology to ZTE and that the ban would last for seven years. Seeing this...

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Industrial enterprise management, Manufacturing Processes and Procedures

[HR] Performance Feedback and Interviews (b) How to help employees develop performance improvement plans?

Helping employees develop a realistic performance improvement plan is considered an important indicator of the success of a performance interview. Specifically how to formulate this plan, the plan also contains what content, everyone may...

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CNC Machining and CNC Machine Tools, Manufacturing Processes and Procedures

[HR] Performance System Construction (4) How to reduce the resistance of performance appraisal?

Many SME managers and human resource workers generally believe that the performance assessment work has great resistance. The main reasons are: the human resources work is weak, the basic work is not done, and...

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Mechanical Manufacturing Technologies, Safeyt and Its Measures at Work

Three principles of corporate employment: executive power, concentration, and responsibility!

The first principle of employment: strong execution. precision machine shop Good staff is always a strong executive. The first principle of employing people is to require employees to have very strong execution power. Why do you...

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CNC Machining and CNC Machine Tools, CNC machining center, Uncategorized

Lean talents meet ten requirements for each position

Changing Roles of Lean Factory. industrial metal supply Operations Management: The operations of all factories and trading partners are transparent. Quickly adapt to changing business environment, integration of multiple factories and multiple companies. industrial metal supply Plan Control:...

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