Swedish article

Manufacturing Processes and Procedures, Mechanical Manufacturing Technologies

5S Management/TPM Management: Seven Weapons to Inspire Employees to Participate

The most common problems encountered by our company in advancing 5S management, TPM management, and lean management are not technical issues, nor are we improving tool issues. They are employees' participation issues. In the...

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CNC Machining and CNC Machine Tools, Industrial enterprise management

Development and Application of Electro-hydraulic Fat injection pump in Northwest Oilfield

A few days ago, the electro-hydraulic fat-injection pump developed by the third section of the oil production management of the No. 2 Oil production Plant of Northwest Oilfield has been successfully tested and applied...

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Industrial enterprise management, Manufacturing Processes and Procedures

[HR] Performance Assessment Promotion and Implementation (3) How to properly handle assessment complaints?

Even the best appraisal plan and implementation will always be unsatisfactory. Therefore, it is normal for appraisals to encounter complaints. There are many types of complaints that are assessed. If there are complaints about...

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CNC Machining and CNC Machine Tools, Manufacturing Processes and Procedures

Die Essenz des Qualitätsmanagements: Kupferkopf, Eisenmund, Scud, Bauch

Im Unternehmen ist die Rolle des Qualitätsmanagers sehr wichtig. Was die Produktqualität anbelangt, müssen wir das Gesetz strikt kontrollieren und strikt durchsetzen, insbesondere im Qualitätsmanagement müssen wir den Kern des Qualitätsmanagements konsequent umsetzen, und...

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Industrial enterprise management, Mechanical Manufacturing Technologies

Team-Management muss diese negative Energie beseitigen!

Vorwort. Funkenerosion In der Mannschaft war ein Wasserbecken an der Oberfläche, aber die Dunkelheit war turbulent. Die „Ansteckung“ ist nicht die schnellste, dass Information und Energie inspirierend, positiv, aber die negativen Menschen, Müdigkeit, Herz unglückliche Menschen...

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